Are you interested in Photography? Or do you really want to capture the beautiful moments happening in your life in a state of the art style? That means, you are looking for buying a DSLR Camera. Please note, Buying a DSLR camera is far different than Buying the Right DSLR camera 😉 Here is a layman Guide to buy a right DSLR Camera for anyone in need.

The need of buying a DSLR Camera
It’s all started when my 4 year old son finally decided to lend me his Binocular for few minutes. It was his birthday gift and so precious to him. I casually started to look through its view finder and immediately something amused me. The world through lenses looked very beautiful. It was pretty ordinary kid’s binocular felt like a toy. But it kindled the interest in me to buy one for my own use, hopefully with a better and clear magnification possibilities.
Without waiting, i jumped into Amazon and started to look for Binoculars. After a couple of days, I could settle with a model. Yeah, after a couple of days, I do not make forced or impulse buying but used to employ detailed analysis by visiting and comparing each and every better prospect out there. Finally, i produced the details to my wife who always used to provide some interesting advice. She simply asked why do you look for Binoculars ? rather can try any camera and it can be a good hobby too. Suddenly it sparked in my mind, why shouldn’t i look for a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflection) camera and start photography as a hobby .? the so called Hobby Photography.
The thought of buying a right DSLR camera came in my way a long before, precisely 9 years ago. I was on a joint trip in Paris with my colleagues. We were just acquaints part of our company on site program who camped in Germany by then. One of my colleague had brought a DSLR camera and was making some impressive stills. I just checked with him about buying one on my own. But he rather complained a lot about it like the DSLR cameras are heavy and literally impediment your trips and also they are costly too.
Overall, he never encouraged me to buy a DSLR camera and that’s all about it. But this time when my wife suggested, i was a lot matured to see things and affordable as well. Then why not, I quickly made up my mind to buy a right start up level DSLR camera.
Qualities of the right DSLR Camera
The right DSLR Camera is Weather Sealed
I had a few primary objectives in buying my dream DSLR camera. My primary aim was to buy a DSLR camera that will not hinder me in taking out while the weather is not good such as a snowy evening or a drizzling morning. Just because, the purpose of having a DSLR camera for hobby photography is to use it when you are really making a trip or trek which often ends up with inclined weather conditions. A non weather sealing camera will entirely ruin the purpose here. So i was really looking for an weather sealed camera.
My primary objective in buying the DSLR ended up floating my DSLR budget at least 1.5 times than i fixed initially. Of course, the weather sealing was still mandatory for me. Whats the purpose of having a fantastic DSLR camera when you can not take it out when you really need it.
The right DSLR camera is with Swivel Screen
I wanted my DSLR camera should look modern and in the same time flexible enough to support different composition possibilities. Whats the point in holding a beasty DSLR camera which could barely meet far minimal photo framing opportunities. The answer was to have a DSLR camera with swivel LCD screen.
I would say Swivel screens are one of the best additions to a beast of a camera like DSLR which literally opens up multiple framing and angles to shoot with. So it was a must for me. In a funny way, it helps to find hidden items in a far to reach kitchen top shelves 😉

The right DSLR has more Physical Controls
I was a big fan of quick access control possibilities on a photo machine like a DSLR camera. It really encourages one to try out more compositions say different Aperture and Shutter speed combinations, of course the ISO settings without thinking twice. I have seen people who just opt for full automatic or semi automatic modes of photo shooting just because they do not want to dig into the LCD screen to adjust the parameters. I do not want to end up as a one among them.
Right here witness the outdoor photoshoot from Stadtpark Nurnberg
More physical control buttons adds more fun in the game of photography. I was also ready to pay the extra for getting more physical controls than less for a cheaper price tag. After all, I do not see a point in having a DSLR camera that hinders you from trying out something new quicker and easier.
The right DSLR Camera has a Top LCD
This is one of the overlooked features when picking up the DSLR camera. In a photo shoot it serves as an excellent aid to quickly setting up the essential photographic composition parameters say the Aperture, Shutter Speed, Exposure, Photo, Shooting Modes and why not the Battery Percentage with the Number of shots remaining.
The top LCD display reduces the need of wasting time with the Swivel LCD screen behind the camera for knowing or setting up the crucial parameters of your photographic adventure. That means appreciable reduction in battery usage. Again, that means more photographic opportunities at any given time. Will you believe, I use this Top LCD display of my DSLR almost 90% of the time for setting up the compositions. This is quite handy couped with the more physical controls on a DSLR that we just discussed above.
The right DSLR Camera is not too light
When it comes to Size and Weight of the DSLR camera, most would shout for “the smallest and the lightest”. But I highly opposing this desire for the handy cameras unless you look for a Point and Shoot type of a Camera.
To everyone who looks for a DSLR camera, my personal recommendation would be to consider of a Mid sized DSLR with a optimum weight ratio. Of course no buy recommendation unless you visit a store and have a hands on the beasty DSLR.
For my mid size palm, Mid sized DSLR round about 700 grams was ideal to hold and carry. Yeah, most of you may disagree, but for me DSLR camera is a feeling than a mere piece of a photo equipment.
The rationale behind the right DSLR

Why did our ‘Guide to buy a right DSLR Camera’ choose the above listed qualities of a DSLR camera against the infamous ones?
To understand and identify all of the above said essentials of a DSLR camera, it costed me 2 weeks with multiple visits to Camera shops and at least a 100s of reviews on You tube and Internet. Nevertheless, it was a worth spent time to figure out what to look for and what are all just marketing gimmicks in picking up a right DSLR camera for you.
I admit that the above said essentials are nothing of technicalities of a DSLR but rather an Enthusiastic aspirant’s basic expectations in a DSLR camera that would help him grow unconditionally in the world of Photography. I purposefully leave this article to be in that way so that anyone out there like me would be benefited out of my experience.
List of the right DSLR Cameras
At this moment, I was really happy to think that I am way closer to buy my dream DSLR camera. But the reality was so different when I started my search in Amazon. There were plenty of choices that matched my list.
What is the Best Budget DSLR Camera for beginner Vlogging .?
I resorted to several reviews and comparison websites for DSLR cameras to size the list down. Finally, following are the recommendations in our Guide to buy a right DSLR Camera for you
- Nikon D5600
- Canon EOS 77D
- Nikon D7500
- Canon EOS 80D
Nikon D5600
Here is the pocket friendly recommendation from our Guide to buy a right DSLR Camera.
Nikon D5600 was one of the finest options for a entry level DSLR and also well within the budget of a newbie. The reduction of low pass filter was a cool advantage of Nikon DSLR Cameras that could potentially capture more image details.
On the other hand, it lacked the Top LCD display and quite small for my palm. But considering the price advantage, I was a kind of keeping this one in my hit list.
Canon EOS 77D
When reading through the spec sheet and cost comparisons, I had almost decided to place the order of this mighty DSLR camera from Canon. But, my decision quite reversed when i visited the shop to have a feel of Canon EOS 77D in hand. Something felt me very odd with that camera, i felt like the mass of the 77D had not spread evenly. It did not stay quite well in my hand rather a rare personal criteria may not fit all of you.
On the positive side, it stroke bulls eye in every criteria that i had identified as an essential DSLR characteristics.
Checkout the comparison between Nikon D5600 and Canon EOS 77D
Canon EOS 80D
I really loved this DSLR model from Canon with respect to its size and weight. Also the spec sheet was literally a state of the art that every DSLR enthusiast will look for.
The only downside of this Canon EOS 80D was its price. It really stayed above 1000 Euros mark which was really a tough decision for anyone who would like to venture into the world of DSLR as a newbie.
Nikon D7500
This DSLR model D7500 from Nikon was the best suited for my hand. When i first carried this DSLR Camera D7500 in hand in the shop, i literally made up my mind to go for it. It felt like custom made for my palm.
The drawbacks were the LCD screen was not swivel type but only can be tilted to an extent and again the price was way above the fore said Canon EOS 80D. Of course far to reach for a beginner in budget perspective.
Checkout the comparison between Nikon D7500 and Canon EOS 80D
The Amazon price game
I was even shuttle to make my next step, the most awaited buying the DSLR camera step as i had learned a bit about the Amazon’s tricks of variable pricing of their products. I was just looking for a best deal and visiting shops to explore price comparisons and buying options. Finally decided to go buying online.
Whenever I find a appealing deal on the products in my hit list i used to add the same to my basket for purchase. For some reason, i would like to make the online purchases from office as the network is more secure than my home. Shockingly, amazon had revised the price of that item the next day when i check from office. This happened more than one time and missed those buying chances as a mere witness of the Amazon pricing game. So made up my mind, not any more in the next time.
Bought the right DSLR for me
It was a late night Friday. I was so devastated with my month long research. A pathetic witness of online price games. My wife started to curse herslef for giving me the idea of a DSLR Camera. It happened right then.
I was looping through the available DSLR list once again as there were no more deals on my listed items. May be Amazon knew that i am interested to buy one of them. It just struck me with the price range of 600 bucks with a Prime lense bundle kit. The infamous Canon EOS 70D.

I quickly jumped into the web to see the specifications of the Canon 70D against the Canon EOS 80D. Surprisingly they were far close. Then again jumped into you tube to see some reviews of the Canon EOS 70D and the pros-cons. You know, it was a perfect all rounder with nice ticks on my serch criteria. Wasted no time, placed the order within half an hour of finding the deal, just about midnight 1 PM. Went to bed and had the peaceful night sleep after a long time.
Indoor Photography better explained via Sample photographs right here