It’s a common confusion for every beginner into photography, do i really need a DSLR or a mirrorless camera to excel in the field of photography .? Let’s see if we can find an answer if One really need a DSLR camera.
Point and Shoot Digital Camera
I still remember my Non DSLR days with my Sony Digital Camera. I bought it when i was in Germany on an onsite assignment. It was the time for summer stock clearance sales in Germany and I could get my Sony digital camera for an offer price of 110 Euros, arguably 4000 rupees lesser than the Indian market price. I did not want to mention, how many times I visited the electronic shops in and around Stuttgart before buying this model. As I was a bachelor, window shopping was more or less a hobby 😉

Beginner friendly guide to choose the right DSLR Camera is right here.
The digital camera from Sony was slick and handy. I really loved it. It was part of my travel bag most of the time and the credit goes to its small size & weight. I had used it almost in all of my family functions and pretty much served the purpose of image photography for such a small gatherings. Still, I remember, the photographs were mostly good but not all of them. There were several over or under exposure shots which i had no choice to overcome with the options that the digital camera offered. Anyhow, the digital camera was widely accepted as a place holder for such an events. It all happened way back, say a decade ago.
Why DSLR is the Game Changer?
Since several years from then, I see a lot of changes including my attitude and perception on things. Recent times, whenever I get a chance to look into those event photographs, I feel something really missing. The photographs that were taken with the digital camera are looking largely incomplete now. Something really tells me, the photographs could have been a lot better. As a lesson learned, I never wanted to afford the same mistake again in capturing the lively moments that I cherish with my family and friends, especially when having a mischievous child on your side. After all,
Life is not measured through the number of moments you breath; but through the number of moments that took your breath away. And, my one cent is “Make sure to secure them in the best way you can”.
Hence, the search for a better Photographic equipment begins.
Photographic Equipment Choices
When it comes to Photography, the first problem is the overwhelming countless number of choices. You have the range starting from a children toy camera to the state of the art Telescopic Photographic equipment. For the matter of simplicity, we can cut short our list within the scope of a photographic enthusiast. Now, what are all our choices.
- Tiny Point and Shoot Digital Cameras
- Miraculous Mirrorless Camera
- Solid DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflective) Camera

Point and Shoot Digital Cameras
As I already discussed enough, Point and Shoot Digital Cameras are good companion for very beginners into the world of photography. They are good enough to cover the wide range of occasions unless you look for a bit of professional level perfection.
Given the size and weight of the Point and Shoot Digital Cameras, they are inevitably the best choice for the young and fresh entrants into the world of photography who want something more than their Mobile Camera.
Mirrorless Camera
These are the modern, slim, stylish yet one of the most powerful equipment in the kingdom of Photography.
Mirrorless Cameras can create the same magic of a DSLR equipment in a more compact and light weight bodies. They can even edge the DSLR cameras with their unimaginable burst rates and speed. Would you believe they are arguably little bigger than the the Point and shoot digital cameras except the fact they facilitate housing for variable lenses.
Then, why not Mirrorless .? The technology has changed and everything around us gets more compact and light. Why still the heavier and bulkier DSLR cameras around there in the market. Yes, they are there and would even exist till the end for some good reasons.
Digital Single Lens Reflective – DSLR Cameras
Why DSLR .?
Here is the big boy who can create magics in your day to day life through his stunning photographic and handling abilities.
Get witnessed some of the DSLR outdoor Photographs with composition details right here
Right here the abilities of a DSLR camera with indoor photography
DSLR cameras are the all time favorites for people in the range from budding youngsters till the professional tycoons in the field of Photography. No wonder, I just got addicted to my brand new Canon EOS 70D DSLR camera just within minutes of holding it on hand.
Of course, the DSLR cameras are bulky and little heavy. But I would say that everyone should feel the power in their hand rather physically than only by seeing through the results the next day. Photography is the art through lenses and provides most stunning results when the Photographer feels the greatness of his choices in hand.

DSLR vs Mirrorless Cameras
DSLR Cameras really feels complete when you hold them. They counter your palm and the palm feels the presence of an absolute solid device which again yields the hope to get the result as solid as you feel it.
Absolute contention leads the path to creative excellence.
Unlike a mirrorless camera where you often run out of grip and couple of your fingers grabbing the air especially when you photograph hand held (of course most of the photographic situations demands handheld shots) with impeccable solid lenses.
Definitely, I am not against mirrorless cameras and definitely will go for it if my wife asks for a recommendation. On the other way, One can argue that their hands are small or they want to travel light irrespective of the feel of solidity. Then obviously mirrorless camera would be the choice to make.
But I would still argue, What is the point in holding the most powerful Camera without having a feel and grip that is least expected by every photographer for absolute contention .? After all, absolute contention leads the way for Most creative Photographic adventures and the choice is yours.!
Do you know, what could be the best budget DSLR camera for a beginner into Photography .?